Ovulation (LH) Rapid Test

The Xylazine (XYL) Rapid Test Dipstick (Urine) is a rapid chromatographic immunoassay for the detection of xylazine in human urine at a cut-off concentration of 1,000 ng/mL. This assay provides only a qualitative, preliminary test result.

A more specific alternate chemical method must be used in order to obtain a confirmed analytical result. Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS) is the preferred confirmatory method. Clinical consideration and professional judgment should be applied to any drug of abuse test result, particularly when preliminary positive results are used.

Product Features

  • Fast results
  • Easy visual interpretation
  • Simple, no equipment required
  • High accuracy

Product Specification

Chromatographic ImmunoassayUrineDipstick, Cassette, Panel
Shelf LifeSpecificityReading Time
2 Years97.5%10-15 minutes
AccuracySensitivityStorage Temperature